Each and every day we routinely use toxic products that our culture has made us believe are safe and necessary for living.

These daily culprits include cosmetics, detergents, deodorants, air fresheners, cleaning products, dental floss, cookware, clothing, and plastics in general.

The environmental toxins found in these products are wreaking havoc on our health and planet and resulting in disease and illnesses such as autoimmune issues, chemical sensitivities, obesity, chronic pain, allergies, and many more.

With a focus on non-toxic and plastic-free, we’ve curated a collection of mindful essentials to provide purpose + intention into your everyday well-being.

Please visit us to shop the collection. We are not doing online sales at this time.

Laundry Strips + Wool Dryer Balls

There are 30 billion loads of laundry done each year. If everyone switched to Eco-Strips, we would eliminate 1 billion plastic jugs, and save truck fuel and CO2 equivalent to taking 27 million cars off the road a day or planting 9 million new trees. 

Wool dryer balls help improve air flow in the dryer while absorbing moisture. This shortens drying time resulting in less energy used and a reduced energy consumption.

Toothpaste Bites + Oral Care

Toothpaste tablets that could replace 1 billion toothpaste tubes we throw away annually.

100% plastic-fee, gluten-free, vegan, and cruelty-free, without any harsh chemicals or preservatives.

Plant-Based Wellness Patches

Patches are the most bioavailable way to get Hemp and other feel-good ingredients into your bod (aka faster and more efficient than other formats). Patches deliver a controlled dose of ingredients directly into the bloodstream, so your experience will feel more like soothing background noise than being first row at a concert.

Transdermal patches deliver ingredients topically. These ingredients are then absorbed by the skin and into the bloodstream. Patches provide a subtle and consistent delivery of small amounts of an ingredient over a long period of time.

RENEW Wellness + Beauty Tea

We collaborated with local tea house, Curiosi-Tea, to craft a custom blend of herbal tea that not only tastes + looks good but is also packed with good-for-you ingredients.

  • Green Rooibos - antioxidant

  • Hibiscus - aids in weight loss

  • Raspberry - anti-aging

  • Blueberry - immunity support

  • Rose Hips - enhance complexion

The Reset Guide

An interactive workbook to inspire self reflection through a guided path to tap into a renewed sense of well-being. Inspired by the innate human desire to build a deeper connection with oneself, this journal serves as an inspiring, yet educational, tool to assist in tapping into your inner workings and define who you are and what you believe in.

By reflecting on the past, resetting into the present, and moving intentionally into the future, this interactive journal guides you in carving a path forward that reflects your most authentic self.